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Creating and publishing your online course anywhere and everywhere

Choosing where to host your online course is not an easy task, we get it! So we built embedin. In minutes, you can create, publish & get paid for your online course anywhere on any platform

Drag & Drop modules that will make it easier and unique the creation of your content

Video Hosting platforms that we support

Your content your choose, we give you the freedom to choose where and how you wanna host your content as each platform can offer you the right audience and advantages.

YouTubeVimeoFacebookSoundCloudStreamableWistiaTwitchDailyMotionVidyardHLSDASHvideo file typeaudio file type


Width stripe you can easily start receiving payment in a security way from day one

Mailchimp integration will allow you to gather emails from you course/freebie

Vimeo will allow you to delivery professionals video to your students

Mailer-lite, email marketing beyond the inbox with advanced tools made easy

Github allows you to host your non-prophet website for free

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